Dradis music player v0.2 user manual

by DRADIS.be


The Dradis music player v0.2 is an easy to install, easy to use HTML5 music player. It features a searchable playlist, covers support, oscilloscope, spectrum analysis and spectrogram visualizations, numerous keyboard shortcuts, support for assistive technologies (WAI-ARIA), vibration feedback for supported devices, light/dark modes interface and much more!

It is written in HTML, SVG, CSS and JavaScript, using standard technologies for better compatibility and short-driven code for performance and easy debugging. It stands in a single file without any external dependencies.

This document describes the installation process and the user interface, and has some technical sections as well.



  • A Linux host with Apache web server installed.
  • Command-line access to the Linux host, directly or through SSH. You may need root priviledges for optional parts.
  • A music folder shared publicly on this Apache web server.


Connect to the Linux host directly or through SSH, and navigate to your music folder:

$ ssh user@example.com
user@example.com's password:
$ cd /path/to/music/

Generate a playlist file using the following command:

$ find ./ -type f \( -iname "*.aac" -or -iname "*.flac" -or -iname "*.ogg" \
        -or -iname "*.mp3" -or -iname "*.mp4" -or -iname "*.wav" \
        -or -iname "*.webm" -or -iname "*.apng" -or -iname "*.avif" \
        -or -iname "*.bmp" -or -iname "*.gif" -or -iname "*.jfif" \
        -or -iname "*.jpeg" -or -iname "*.jpg" -or -iname "*.pjp" \
        -or -iname "*.pjpeg" -or -iname "*.png" -or -iname "*.webp" \) \
        | sort --numeric-sort > playlist.txt

The resulting file playlist.txt (example) should contain one line per media file, starting with "./".

Download the file player.html (73kB) into your music folder:

$ wget -q -O player.html https://dradis.be/music-player/player-0.2.html

Navigate to the file player.html in your web browser. The Dradis music player should display and load the playlist file.

In case of error, look into the web server log files in /var/log/apache2/ and make sure the player.html, playlist.txt and music files are readable by the user www-data. You may also want to display the JavaScript log console in your web browser by pressing Ctrl + Shift + J.


This part is optional and requires root privileges. The Dradis music player displays the links to the folders name of the current track in the interface. In order for these links to work and not return a 403 Forbidden error, you must enable the Apache module "mod_autoindex". This module lists the content of a folder if no index file is found inside.

First, if the module mod_autoindex isn't active already, do so:

$ sudo a2enmod autoindex

Next edit the configuration file for the correct website. Example with the nano editor and default configuration file:

$ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

Add the following line inside the <VirtualHost>, <Directory> or <Location> section of your choice:

Options +Indexes

Restart the Apache server:

$ sudo service apache2 restart

Finally, make sure your music folder is browsable. You now have mod_autoindex working.


A screenshot showing the interface of the Dradis music player v0.2 with cover, controls and playlist visible.

This section details the Dradis music player's interface.

Address bar

The web browser's address bar URL is updated to reflect the current playing track. The parameter #track=NUMBER is added at the end of the URL so you can share it with friends, and the Dradis music player will load with the selected track.

If you pause the playback, another parameter &time=NUMBER will be added at the end of the URL. Sharing this URL will load the player with the selected track at a pre-selected time.

Track information

This section explains the Dradis music player's track information area.


There are four types of visualizations: cover, oscilloscope, spectrum analysis and spectrogram. Right-clicking the visualization or pressing V switches between the four types. On touchscreen, touch and hold the visualization to achieve the same effect. The visualizations are not affected by the volume setting and mute option.

An example of cover in the Dradis music player.

Hovering the mouse over the cover displays image information such as the file name, size and the dimensions. Left-clicking the cover opens it in a new tab in full size. The cover is also used to slightly alter the background of the Dradis music player.

The Dradis music player tries to find the best cover matching the current track. It does so by looking into the same folder (and children folders) of the current track to find an image matching "front", "cover" or "folder" in the file name. On multiple covers, it displays one at random. If none is found, a random image from the same folders will be picked.

The Dradis music player may also look up in the parent folder if the current folder name contains something like "disk 01", "CD2" or "Disc THREE", denoting a multi-disc media where the cover might be in the parent folder.

A example image of the oscilloscope signal.

The oscilloscope displays the sound signal in the spatial domain.

Known bug: the oscilloscope in dark mode sometimes uses light mode colors on Webkit-based browsers, no fix found.

Spectrum analysis
A example image of the spectrum analysis.

The spectrum analysis displays the sound signal in the frequency domain.

A example image of the spectrogram.

The spectrogram displays the sound signal in the frequency domain, scrolling to the left.


The folders part displays the path to the current track, folder by folder in a hierarchy. Each folder is clickable and opens a page listing the files in it, if the web server allows browsing and has mod_autoindex enabled. There you can download files more easily than pressing the download button for each track. You may even use wget to grab entire folders.


The title part displays the current playing track's title, guessed from the filename.


The artist part, if available, displays the current playing track's artist, guessed from the filename.


The current time in the track playback is on the left of the position slider. It displays the current time in readable format. Clicking the current time toggles between increasing or decreasing track time. Use T to toggle it.


The track duration is on the right of the position slider. It displays the track duration in readable format.


This section details the Dradis music player's track controls area.


The position slider allows to navigate through the current playing track. Use , B or Shift + MouseWheelUp to rewind 5 seconds. Use , F or Shift + MouseWheelDown to move forward 5 seconds.

Previous folder

The previous folder button skips to the first track of the previous folder. If the shuffle option is active, the first track of a random folder will be selected. Use PageUp or Ctrl + Shift + to achieve the same effect.

Previous track

The previous track button skips to the previous track. If the shuffle option is active, a random track will be selected. Use P, Home or Ctrl + to achieve the same effect.


The play/pause button pauses or resumes the audio. Use Space to achieve the same effect.


The stop button stops playing the audio and rewinds the track to the beginning. Use Escape to achieve the same effect.


Clicking the download button or pressing D starts downloading the current track.

Next track

The next track button skips to the next track. If the shuffle option is active, a random track will be selected. Use N, End or Ctrl + to achieve the same effect.

Next folder

The next folder button skips to the first track of the next folder. If the shuffle option is active, the first track of a random folder will be selected. Use PageDown or Ctrl + Shift + to achieve the same effect.


The shuffle option allows random playing. Use S to toggle it. At the end of each track, another one will be selected randomly. If you skip to the previous or next folder when the shuffle option is active, the first track of a random folder will be selected.


The repeat option allows to repeat playing the current track. Use R to toggle it.


This section details the Dradis music player's volume area.

Peak meter

The peak meter represents the peak volume of the playback at any time. Its value is affected by the volume setting and mute option.

Volume setting

The volume setting adjusts the playback volume. You can use and to change it. The volume setting is disabled when the playback is muted.


The mute button mutes or unmutes the playback. Use M, Delete or Insert to achieve the same effect.


This section details the Dradis music player's playlist area.


The reset button empties the search field and displays the playlist back in full. It also puts the current playing track back in view if you are lost scrolling in the playlist.

Warning: reset may be slow with a big playlist.

Simple playlist

The simple playlist option toggles between a full playlist with the complete path, file name and extension or a lighter playlist with only file name and no extension. Use I to toggle it.

Warning: toggling simple playlist mode may be slow with a big playlist.

Tracks playlist

The tracks playlist displays the available tracks for playing. Click on any track to load and start playing it. In full mode, the playlist displays the complete path, file name and extension for each track. In simple mode, the playlist displays only the file name without extension.


Click the Help link at the bottom of the Dradis music player or press H at any moment to display a help screen listing a link to this user manual and the shortcuts of the Dradis music player.

A link to this user manual is also provided at the bottom of the Dradis music player and in the help screen.

music play


The following keyboard (and mouse) shortcuts are available in the Dradis music player:

Show/hide the help screen
Switch visualizations
Play/pause the current track
Stop playing
Download the current track
Rewind 5 seconds
Shift + MouseWheelUp
Move forward 5 seconds
Shift + MouseWheelDown
Skip to the previous track
Ctrl +
Skip to the next track
Ctrl +
Skip to the previous folder
Ctrl + Shift +
Skip to the next folder
Ctrl + Shift +
Increase volume
Decrease volume
Mute/unmute the audio
Toggle between increasing or decreasing track time
Toggle the shuffle option
Toggle the repeat track option
Toggle the simple playlist option


The following gestures are available in the Dradis music player:

Swipe left
Skip to the previous track
Swipe right
Skip to the next track
Swipe up
Skip to the previous folder
Swipe down
Skip to the next folder


The following variables are saved in the web browser's local storage to preserve the state of the Dradis music player after a reload:

The index of the current track in the playlist.
The current visualization mode.
The current time mode.
The state of the shuffle option.
The state of the repeat option.
The current playback volume.
The current playlist search string.
The state of the simple playlist option.

The $HASH part is replaced with a simple hash of the current URL, so multiple instances of the Dradis music player on the same website won't influence each other.


Depending on the size of the playlist and your computer/device configuration, you may encounter a performance issue or lag with the Dradis music player while loading, searching and reseting the playlist and toggling the simple playlist mode. Tested with a 25MB playlist file with more than 140,000 tracks and 38,000 covers, amounting to more than 1.6TB of data.

Known bugs

Change log

version 0.2:
Created a unique hash used in local storage to separate multiple instances on the same website.
Better, faster help screen. Added a help button on mobile, and handling of the back button.
Sped up the playlist heavy operations.
Error handling: "The play() request was interrupted" (https://goo.gl/LdLk22).
Gesture handling: left/right and up/down to skip a track or folder.
Clicking the playlist starts playing the selected track if in pause.
Synchronized local storage values in case of multiple instances of the same music player.
Changed the audio pipeline to use gain after the analyser.
Better handling of visualisations change when the cover is still loading.
Fourth vizualisation: spetrogram.
Added a little "Now playing" popup on mobile.
Implemented mediasession metadata and published the music player functionnalities.
Added a logo on the loading and help screens.
Big numbers formatting.
Lot of bug fixes.
Reorganized sections of code.
version 0.1:
First pre-release.


Please use music-player@dradis.be to contact us. Feedback is appreciated. Say hello!